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5 Social Media Platforms Every Job Seeker Should Know

Social media has become a necessary tool for job seekers. It is the best way to get noticed by recruiters and employers.

There are many reasons why every job seeker needs to master using social media. Firstly, social media can connect you with recruiters and companies that are hiring. Secondly, it allows you to showcase your skills and expertise in an easy way. Thirdly, it provides a platform for you to share your work with others who might be interested in what you have done. Finally, it is the easiest way of getting noticed by recruiters and employers because they can find out more about you through your posts on social media channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.


Quora is a platform where you can ask questions and get answers from people with similar interests. It is also a job board for those looking for jobs in the tech industry.

Quora has many features that make it an attractive job board for tech professionals. One of them is the ability to post answers anonymously, which means that you don't need to worry about your identity being revealed when applying for positions.


LinkedIn is a social network for professionals to connect with each other and share their professional experiences. LinkedIn was founded in 2002 and since then it has grown to over 575 million members in 200 countries, making it the world's largest professional social networking site.

It is a social networking site that allows individuals to create profiles, upload resumes, and view connections within their professional network. LinkedIn provides a range of services, including Talent Networking, Job Search, and Recruiting. LinkedIn allows members to create profiles that can include details about education, work history, skills, and licenses. When creating a profile it is possible to add personal information such as relationship status, religion, or ethnicity. A member can also create groups and lists with the intention


Twitter is one of the best social media platforms for job seekers because it has a high volume of active users and it is easy to get in touch with them. Twitter jobs are available for those who know how to use Twitter as a networking tool. There are many ways to use Twitter for job hunting, such as following companies that you want to work for, following recruiters, or using hashtags.

LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that's geared toward job seekers. It's important to use LinkedIn with caution because companies often use it as a way of screening potential candidates.LinkedIn offers an online resource called "Connections" where you can find out which connections work at the same company, what their roles are, and what they've done in the past. You can also search for people who work at the company you're applying with. This way, you'll get an idea of what their responsibilities are and what opportunities might be available.

Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are a great way to find jobs. You can search for groups that are related to your field of interest or you can create your own group and post your resume there.

Facebook Groups are a great way to find jobs. You can search for groups that are related to your field of interest or you can create your own group and post your resume there.

Google+ Communities

Google+ Communities are a great way to find new jobs. You can use them to search for specific job openings, or you can use them to post your resume and wait for potential employers to contact you. You can also post your resume and ask for help from other members of the community.


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