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CropLife Hosts Informative Webinar on Herbicide Application Techniques

CropLife Philippines successfully conducted a webinar titled "Application Techniques of Herbicides" on July 5, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN. The event was livestreamed on CropLife's Facebook page and YouTube channel, with technical support provided by the FPS Media PH team.

The webinar commenced with welcome remarks from Ramon S. Abadilla, Executive Director of CropLife Philippines. This was followed by a written message from Leo Hawod, President of the Weed Science Society of the Philippines, Inc. (WSSP), and a video message from Ms. Julieta Lasangan, Executive Director of the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority.

Jenina Signabon, a member of the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee-PH and CropLife Philippines, moderated the session. The core of the webinar featured a two-part video lecture by Dr. Gil Magsino, former Director of the National Crop Protection Center at the College of Agriculture and Food Science, UP Los Baños. Dr. Magsino's lectures focused on the application techniques of herbicides and highlighted critical considerations for their use.

Following each video lecture, a Q&A session was held, facilitated by John "Benz" Aco and Manolo Basingan, Jr., both members of the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee-PH and CropLife Philippines. Dr. Gil Magsino addressed questions from Zoom participants and livestream viewers, providing valuable insights and clarifications.

To engage the audience further, interactive games were conducted where participants answered questions related to the lecture content. This added a dynamic and participatory element to the event.

The webinar concluded with closing remarks from Ramon S. Abadilla, who emphasized the importance of proper herbicide application techniques in sustainable agriculture and thanked all participants for their active involvement.

For those who missed the live session, the recorded webinar is available on CropLife's Facebook page and YouTube channel.


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