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DICT partners with FPS Media PH for 2-day Webinar Series.

Updated: Jun 21, 2020

The Department of Information and Communications Technology conducted a 2-day webinar series last June 18-19, 2020 to help the teachers for their upcoming Online Classes. The webinar was titled "Digitizing Educators, Conquering the New Normal: An Introduction to Online Tools for Classroom Management, Lessons and Monitoring". The speakers invited to share their knowledge and know-hows are Rochefel Rivera and Sherlane Fortunado from Filipino Online Professionals Service Cooperative (FOPSCo).

Almost a hundred teachers joined the 2-day webinar series via Google Meet on the first day and Zoom on the 2nd day. Both online activities are hosted by Maris Castro of DICT and with the help of the FPS Media PH as the official livestream partner, were broadcasted live on the facebook page of ICT Literacy and Competency Development Bureau (ILCDB - DICT).

Watch the full episode here:

Day 1 Part 1

Day 1 Part 2

Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 Part 2

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1 Comment

Cooper B
Cooper B
Sep 08, 2021

Appreeciate you blogging this

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